Friday 22 May 2015

CDC Links Salmonella Outbreak Reported in 9 States To Sushi Made With Raw Tuna


(Not the sushi in question. ChrisGoldNY)

Raw seafood might be delicious, but there’s always that chance that it could make you sick: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that while it hasn’t conclusively determined the cause of a recent salmonella outbreak that’s spread to nine states and infected up to 53 people, it could be linked to sushi made with raw tuna.

The CDC says in a news release that the outbreak of a specific strain called paratyphi B occurred between March 5 and May 1.

As for where this sushi is coming from, it’s unclear: Health authorities have discovered five clusters where people had all eaten sushi in the same restaurants, though “a common brand or supplier of raw tuna has not been identified and there are no specific steps for restaurants, retailers, or consumers to take to protect their customers or themselves.”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is on the case, however.

“If a specific food or source linked to the illnesses is identified, the FDA will work to remove it from the marketplace and alert consumers to avoid it,” it said.

Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) Infections []
FDA Investigates Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) Infections []

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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