Thursday 16 July 2015

How To Opt Out Of Getting Phone Calls, Texts From Pandora Under Music Service’s Updated Contact Policy

pandoracontactProving that it’s always a good idea to thoroughly read any changes in a company’s terms of service, even if you really don’t want to because it’s just so many words, Pandora customers might be interested to know that they could be getting phone calls, text messages or even videoconferencing calls from the company in the future if they don’t opt out.

Pandora emailed customers its new Terms of Service and Privacy policy this morning, which went into effect on June 30. The email is actually helpful in highlighting what some of those changes are, so customers don’t have to do as much digging as they might otherwise.

One bit that caught our eye is the section on how Pandora is allowed to contact customers. If you’ve ever provided your phone number to the service in the past, the Terms of Service says you’re giving the company permission to not only call you or text you, but potentially videoconference you — or any other method that hasn’t been invented yet.

“If you have provided us with your phone number, you hereby grant Pandora the authorization to contact you at that number through one or more means, including but not limited to text messages (i.e., SMS messages) or other similar notifications, phone calls, videoconferencing, or other audiovisual communication methods now known or hereafter devised, for a purpose that may include providing you with special offers or facilitating a call with an artist.”

Those who don’t want to find someone from Pandora one day popping in for a video chat, there’s currently no simple button to click to opt out. Instead, customers are directed to contact Pandora’s Listener Support and fill out an email form. If you’re a Pandora customer with a phone number on file, let us know how that process goes for you.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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