Thursday 17 December 2015

39% Of All U.S. Money Spent At Online Stores Goes To Amazon

(Val D'Aquila)
If you’ve placed an online order for a gift or for a self-gift this holiday season, it most likely came from Amazon. How likely is it? According to statistics released this week, 39.3% of all money spent by Americans shopping online is spent at Amazon, which is more than the next 20 biggest sellers in e-commerce combined.

Amazon has been playing a long game, investing in warehouses and infrastructure to get packages to their customers in shorter and shorter timeframes, all the way down to stocking thousands of items in cities that offer Prime New delivery within an hour. When you can have a new TV or a case of paper towels delivered in less time than it takes to receive a pizza sometimes, why would you want to shop anywhere else?

There are recent reports that Amazon wants to take over even more of the chain that moves items from their suppliers to your doorstep: they’ve deployed their own fleet of trucks and drivers to move items between their own facilities. There’s even speculation that an air cargo facility in Ohio that once belonged to DHL’s domestic shipping operation is now being used by Amazon to move cargo around faster.

Not packages, necessarily, but cargo: they’re moving items between Amazon facilities, maybe so they can have things ready for you before you’ve even ordered them.

Amazon Is Capturing Bigger Slice of U.S. Online Holiday Spending [Bloomberg News]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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