Wednesday 16 December 2015

Customer Says Box Of Pasta Contained Free Mummified Frog

pennePoor frogs. We keep accidentally scooping them up and serving them in our food. The latest case of a free frog found where it wasn’t supposed to be is a very strange one: a woman in Minnesota says that she found a petrified frog in her box of pasta.

(If you want to see the frog, head over to the TV station’s site.)

How does that happen? Did the amphibian end up in the machine that dries the pasta, somehow hop through various quality controls, and end up in a box on the shelf in the midwestern United States? Why would a frog be in a pasta factory in the first place?

The customer doesn’t have an answer to that question, but she knows that she didn’t put the frog there. She explained to local TV station KMSP that she had used about half of the pasta, and then her husband knocked the box off the shelf, spilling its contents across the floor. Those contents included the frog.

Barilla now has the pasta, the box, and the frog, and the company says that they’re investigating the incident. The customer isn’t sure that employees of Barilla believe her, but she also knows that there wasn’t a dried frog on her floor before the pasta box fell. “My kitchen floor is very clean, and I would not have a petrified frog laying on it,” she told KMSP. “I could eat off my kitchen floor.”

Here’s the statement that Barilla sent to the TV station:

Barilla is aware of the isolated report regarding a foreign element in a box of Barilla pasta,. Once we received this report, we immediately took action to coordinate directly with the consumer and have connected via phone, email and mail. We have also retrieved the product in question to investigate any deviation from our manufacturing and packaging processes.

Woman allegedly finds frog in her box of Barilla pasta [KMSP]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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