Tuesday 19 April 2016

Netflix Mulling The Idea Of Offering An Offline Viewing Option

With Amazon launching new month-to-month Prime membership options, which include access to its streaming video and music libraries, and upcoming price hikes for its own streaming service, Netflix seems to be feeling the heat of competition burning just a little bit hotter.

As it stands right now, Amazon has one big advantage it can dangle to attract customers, which is the ability to download Prime content to its line of Kindle Fire tablets and watch it even when you don’t have an internet connection.

In the past, Netflix has said it wouldn’t go down that road and offer downloadable content anytime soon, basically because that would complicate things too much and confuse customers.

The company may be changing its tune, however, as CEO Reed Hastings said on Monday that Netflix is considering offering the option to download content for offline viewing.

“We should keep an open mind on this,” Hastings said when asked about the possibility, reports MarketWatch. “We have been focusing on the click and watch, and the beauty and simplicity of streaming. But as we expand around the world where we see an uneven set of networks, it’s something we should keep an open mind about.”

Netflix could offer offline viewing to fend off Amazon, price hike fears [MarketWatch]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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