Friday 1 April 2016

Not A Joke: Krispy Kreme Offering Customers A Free Doughnut Today

While we’re used to companies trying to slip in an April Fools’ Day story and have it reported as real on this day every year, Krispy Kreme is taking another tack. See, it really is offering customers a free doughnut today, but the reason for doing so is still of the “Hardy har har, I see what you did there,” variety.

This year’s doughnut harvest was um, especially plentiful, so there are extra doughnuts that need eating, Krispy Kreme explains, ostensibly while trying to keep a straight face.

“The Doughnut Harvest yields hundreds of thousands of bushels of doughnettes — each one carefully nurtured from a doughnut seedling, then individually selected by our master doughnut growers at the peak of freshness—which are then brought into our shops for final glazing or hand-decorating,” the company said in a release.

“This year, on account of the unusually fair winter, the Doughnut Harvest was especially bountiful,” the chain said, which is where you come in. “Now, for the first time, the surplus is so great we are inviting guests everywhere to join us in celebration.”

To help with this doughnut overload, customers can come in today, April 1, and receive one free glazed original doughnut. While you’re there, you can “experience first-hand the harvest tradition which, until this year, was a celebration reserved only for growers and their families.”

Right, we get it, a doughnut harvest, what a joke! Doughnuts don’t grow in the ground! As far as we know, there’s no requirement to laugh at the chain’s humor in order to get the deal, so again, free doughnuts are up for grabs. There is a list of locations that are not participating today, so you should check that here before you go.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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