Monday 4 April 2016

Rude Note On Domino’s Box Scolds Customer For Late Order

Having worked in the foodservice industry, I am familiar with that unique sensation of “C’mon… seriously?” when someone wants to place an order only minutes to go before shutting down for the night. At the same time — unlike the workers at a Texas Domino’s store — I never vented my frustration with a mean little note for the customer to take home with them.

CBS Dallas/Fort Worth reports on a Domino’s customer whose pizza came with a handwritten note on the side, explaining “Thanks! We would appreciate it VERY much if you didn’t wait until 5 minutes before we close.”

The customers who placed the order are nurse working at a nearby hospital. A friend of one of the nurses tells CBS that the note-writer could use a lesson in what-goes-around-comes-around.

“How would you feel if you wrote something like that and then the next day you were laying there” in the hospital, asked the friend, who posted the image to Facebook on Friday.

“Nurses work long hours and eat when they can as they take care of our loved one,” reads that Facebook post. “A business is open until they close and are in business to service the public.”

A rep for the company wouldn’t say whether or not the employee would be disciplined for the rude message, but did say that Domino’s does “not condone or encourage this kind of behavior or one-sided ‘dialogue’ with our customers.”

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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