Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Bakers Want RI Lawmakers To Make It Easier To Buy Wine In Bulk For Special Biscuits

Professional bakers don’t shop the way the rest of us do when we want to make a delicious treat, buying things like flour, sugar, chocolate, and other ingredients in bulk to satisfy consumer demand for desserts. In Rhode Island, bakers are trying to get lawmakers to make the bulk buying experience possible for another ingredient they use a lot of: wine.

Rhode Island’s Senate is slated to vote today on legislation that would create a wine biscuit license so that bakers could buy up to 2,000 gallons of wine a year from wholesalers, reports the Associated Press.

To make wine biscuits, a staple for many of the state’s Italian-American residents, bakers combine red wine and dough, resulting in a crunchy cookie

One of those bakers requested the bill, saying she wants to buy her wine like she gets everything else she needs to create desserts with, like flour, instead of loading up a cart full of booze on repeated runs to the liquor store.

The problem is Rhode Island’s strict alcohol laws, notes Sen. Erin Lynch Prata, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, which requires all alcoholic beverages to be purchased in liquor stores. She told the AP that the exception to that law will help ensure the treat’s future in the state.

Bakers seek new law for Rhode Island’s beloved wine biscuit [Associated Press]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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