Friday 24 June 2016

Can You Remember What Happened This Week? Prove It!

Another week has passed, and more events have occurred, some of which we’ll eventually forget about entirely or mangle into vague, hazily remembered recollections. But let’s focus on the here and now, and see what we can recall about the last few days, shall we?

It’s time once again for the Consumerist Quiz! Time to divide the Sheldons from the Leonards in a test of memory so brutal that you might sprain your face from all the squinting, furrowing, and lip-gnawing. For two weeks in a row, the median score on the Consumerist Quiz has been 60%. Let’s just say you’re all lucky that graduate schools haven’t started using these scores as admissions criteria.

Just a hint to people who are struggling: You can cheat. The answers are all here on the pages of Consumerist; in stories posted this week (June 20 – June 24). We can’t tell if you peeked around for answers, and we’re the kind of friends that wouldn’t rat you out even if you did… because it’s a silly trivia quiz.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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