Friday 30 December 2016

Twitter Might Let Users Edit Tweets Someday

Everyone’s done it at one time or another: sent a Tweet into the world with a typo, or other error you regret sharing. Currently, your only option is to delete the Tweet and try again, but that could someday change if Twitter finally allows users to edit the things they share.

VentureBeat reports that during a recent message exchange this week, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey discussed the idea of editing Tweets.

The exchange began when Dorsey asked for suggestions on how to improve Twitter. It wasn’t long before the issue of editing Tweets came up.

When one user noted a thread that discussed the pros and cons of an edit button, Dorsey jumped in, noting that the ability to edit Tweets was the “most requested feature.”

“Mostly to quickly fix mistakes,” Dorsey Tweeted, added that “anything beyond would need to show revision history.”

Users then added their suggestions, proposing that edits be allowed for a certain time frame, or up until anyone likes, re-Tweets, or responds to a message.

Another user responded to Dorsey, saying that any type of edit button would be an improvement.

Dorsey agreed, saying that the company was “thinking a lot about it.”

Still, others weren’t so excited about the prospect of an edit button.

Creating an edit button would just be the latest significant change for Twitter. Earlier this year the company announced a major upcoming change, saying it will soon no longer count usernames and photos against the 140-character count that has long been one of Twitter’s signature aspects. The change was slated to begin rolling out in September, and a month later users who had gotten their hands on the new setup began reporting issues with their Tweets, namely the disappearance of “@-replies.”

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

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