Friday, 13 January 2017

Angry Customer Drives SUV Into T-Mobile Store, Keeps Destroying Stuff

While drive-thru customer service would be a delightful innovation in the mobile phone business, it is not yet available at T-Mobile stores. Even if it did exist, “drive-thru” doesn’t mean you actually drive through the store; a lesson that one angry T-Mo customer in Florida apparently forgot when trying to express her rage.

The Palm Beach Post reports that her dispute with the store began on Wednesday, when she brought in an iPhone with a cracked display and tried to exchange it. She told store employees that it was her birthday, which is unconfirmed, and later told police that the store wouldn’t give her a new phone even though she had insurance.

She allegedly returned to the store on Thursday, driving her SUV through the front entrance, then getting out to smash the display cases. She was taken to the hospital for treatment of injuries to her arms from this incident, and for a mental health evaluation.

According to police, other injuries in this incident included an employee that the worker allegedly hit in the neck while trying to access the employees-only parts of the store, and another employee who injured his knee when the SUV knocked over a display case. The cops estimate that the total damage done during her anti-phone rampage was $30,000.

Yes, there is video.

Consumer rage does often drive people to violence. Another iPhone owner went on a destruction spree at an Apple Store in France, and an enraged grandma smashed equipment in her local Comcast office with a hammer almost a decade ago.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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