Friday 3 February 2017

Nordstrom Says Poor Sales To Blame For Axing Ivanka Trump Line

There will be one fewer famous name on products at Nordstrom stores this spring, after the retailer announced it will not be carrying the Ivanka Trump brand in the coming season.

According to the company, the decision was based on sales, was the first to report.

“We’ve said all along we make buying decisions based on performance,” Nordstrom said in a statement. “In this case, based on the brand’s performance, we’ve decided not to buy it for this season.”

The retailer notes that it offers thousands of brands on its site and cuts about 10% each year depending on how they perform, and refresh the assortment with about the same amount.

According to the New York Times, a spokesman for the brand disputed Nordstrom’s assertion that it hadn’t bought any clothes for spring.

But already, clicking on Ivanka Trump’s shop on Nordstrom’s site brings up an empty page:


The move comes amid criticism from the Grab Your Wallet campaign, which is asking shoppers to boycott retailers carrying Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump products, Bloomberg notes. Upon Nordstrom’s announcement, that group is claiming victory for encouraging the move.

“I am absolutely thrilled, and I know the vast majority of Grab Your Wallet participants will be as well,” said Shannon Coulter, a co-founder of the campaign.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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