Wednesday 29 March 2017

Company Behind “Bleeding” Meatless Burger Wants To Bring It To The Masses

More than two years after we first heard about a veggie burger designed to “bleed” juice made from plants, the company behind it is ramping up to put its meatless offering in front of more consumers.

Impossible Foods is preparing to scale up production with a new facility that will allow it to produce 250 times more faux meat — designed to look, cook, and taste just like the real thing to entice even the pickiest meat eaters — than it does currently, reports Fast Company.

“It will enable us to go from something that is scarce–and we’re constantly getting complaints from customers about the fact that they can’t buy them at their local restaurant–and start to make it ubiquitous,” Impossible Foods CEO Patrick Brown said at an event launching the new factory.

Right now you can order the plant-based burger at 11 restaurants, but the company has plans to expand to 1,000 restaurants by the end of the year. That includes a deal it just signed to supply the San Francisco Giant’s baseball stadium.

Eventually, Impossible wants to sell its burgers in grocery stores and other retailers, as well as products yet to come like poultry and steak.

The company isn’t alone in its quest for vegetable-based food that mimics meat: Beyond Meat debuted a meatless burger that “bleeds” pulverized juice at a Colorado Whole Foods last year.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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