Wednesday 30 August 2017

NYC Delivery Guy Biked Through Lincoln Tunnel Because His Phone Told Him To

Repeat after me: Map apps can be useful, but you should not follow their advice blindly. For example, if you’re on your bike and it tells you to cycle through a tunnel meant only for cars. Don’t do that.

Port Authority police intercepted a delivery worker on the New Jersey side of the Lincoln Tunnel after he biked through it on his way to drop off food for a customer, reports.

While it’s perfectly okay to cycle across many of the area’s bridges, bikes — and other “velocipedes” — are barred from entering the Lincoln Tunnel, according to Port Authority regulations [PDF].

The cyclist says he was simply following the directions on a mapping app. He showed the police his phone, “which supported his claim,” a Port Authority spokesman told

In the end, traffic wasn’t majorly disrupted, and police issued a traffic summons for trespass.

He’s not the only one who has blamed technology for leading them astray:

• A lost truck driver once landed a big rig on a public park’s footbridge and blamed his GPS.

• Then there was the driver who followed her map app and ended up crossing an airport taxiway.

• Back in 2013, a woman in Europe drove 900 miles instead of 90 due to a GPS error.

• And a year before that, a GPS failure led to an arrest after a woman drove onto a golf course.

• Of course, we can never forget when Australian police warned people against using Apple maps, lest they end up lost in the wilderness.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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