Thursday 18 June 2015

Colorado Family Rents Car, Finds Pot Left Inside After Driving Cross-Country



Marijuana is legal for recreational use in Colorado now, sure, but that doesn’t mean that it’s legal on the federal level or everywhere else in the country. This caused a dilemma for a family who rented a car in their home state, then drove across the country before they found 1/8 ounce of pot in one of the backseat pockets.

“Rent a car, get free weed” would be a terrible tourism promotion, and this was clearly an oversight by a previous renter of the car and the rental shop. Still, the family was upset: they found the baggie while driving through Missouri, and became afraid that they would be stopped by police. “The driver is the liable party, he is in control of what is in the car,” the dad of this family told CBS Denver.

The story has a happy ending: the family brought the freebie back home and returned it to the car rental place, they refunded the cost of the family’s rental, and says that they threw the pot away, as they normally do when finding it in cars.

Colorado Family Takes Rental Car Out Of State, Finds Pot In Seat Pocket [CBS Denver]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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