Friday 12 June 2015

Deep-Fried Starbucks Coffee Joins List Of Ridiculous Food You Can Find At The Fair

(Courtesy of San Diego County Fair)

(Courtesy of San Diego County Fair)

If you thought the world couldn’t possibly cough up yet another deep-fried food oddity, you were wrong and you’ll probably be wrong again if you think people will ever stop chucking things into hot oil. The deep-fried trend is especially prevalent at fairs and festivals, with this year’s nominee for freakish fare showing up at the San Diego County Fair to much ado: Deep-fried Starbucks coffee.

No, not just any coffee, apparently it must be Starbucks, as seen in the sign at the Bacon-A-Fair booth and on the cups the food comes in, reports FoodBeast.

And if you’re imagining a piping hot crust filled with molten coffee, which sounds like something you’d inflict on your enemy so as to render him incapable of using his tongue ever again — it’s deep fried balls of ground coffee, dusted with sugar and topped with whipped cream. It comes on a stick, as fair food tends to do.

No word from FoodBeast about how the thing actually tastes, (a doughnut filled with coffee grounds?), but here’s a video of what it’s like to tear into the thing:

Instagram Photo

Deep-Fried STARBUCKS COFFEE Is A Real Thing You Can Get At The Fair This Summer [FoodBeast]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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