Wednesday 12 August 2015

Colorado’s Pot Edibles Might Come Stamped With A Red THC Stop Sign

Stop, in the name of not accidentally getting stoned and losing your mind a la Maureen Dowd: In order to keep Colorado residents from mistaking marijuana edibles for non-drug laced food, the state might slap stickers with red stop signs with the letters THC on them to warn folks before they ingest. The stop signs would also be stamped on the food itself.

Colorado and other states with legal recreational marijuana have been working on the question of how to designate edible products that contain pot from those that don’t, so your grandma/grandkid/next-door neighbor who drops by doesn’t accidentally get dosed with drugs.

A group called Smart Colorado made the stop sign proposal as the state is finalizing its rules on making pot-infused products more distinct, reports CBS Denver.

“The public and are children have had no way of differentiating between candy soda and food that has marijuana and one that doesn’t,” a Smart Colorado spokeswoman said.

The state needs to have a new law in place by 2016 that will require all marijuana edibles to be recognizable as such even after they leave the package. That idea is getting some pushback in the newly legal industry.

“As a manufacturer we are happy to comply with something as simple as a stamp on a pill or a candy, something that makes sense. However, there are products that it doesn’t,” said one edible manufacturer who’s part of the team tasked with vetting the pot labeling possibilities. Soda, for example, is not easy to stamp, as it’s you know, a liquid.

The stop sign idea won’t be final until it clears a public hearing in August, ahead of the law’s implementation in January 2016.

Red Stop Sign Could Mark Pot Edibles In Colorado [CBS Denver]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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