Monday 24 August 2015

Restaurant Says Offensive Comment On Customer’s Receipt Was A Joke Meant For Kitchen Staff

A Mexican restaurant in Denver says an offensive message on a receipt was never meant to be seen by customers, and instead was just a form of smack talk between employees.

A customer who had dinner with her husband at the restaurant on Friday night said she noticed something off below her order of carne asada on their receipt, reports 9News. It read “you f——g Mexicans,” she says.

“I grabbed the check and I’m looking at it, and that’s the first thing that caught my eye, and I was like ‘whoa!’” she told the station.

When the couple showed their waitress, they say she didn’t seem worried, saying, “oh, how funny.”

The couple didn’t find it so funny, but paid their bill and left the restaurant. Later, the family posted a photo of the receipt on the restaurant’s Facebook page, and the woman returned on Saturday for an explanation and an apology.

“I was a little bit offended as well,” the manager and co-owner told the station, adding that it shouldn’t have made it to the customers’ table. He said the waitress who wrote it intended it to be a joke for the cooks.

“In the restaurant, you know, cooks and waiters always give each other smack and talk stuff,” he explained. “All our clients are Mexican. We’re Mexican, so it’s absurd that they believe people actually feel that way, but I understand why.”

He says he and the staff apologized to the woman and refunded her meal.

However, the customer says she will take her time going back to the restaurant.

“It should never have been written on a receipt,” she said.

Offensive message found on restaurant receipt []

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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