Wednesday 5 August 2015

Video Shows Checkers Employee Wiping Burger Bun On Kitchen Floor

A video showing what appears to be an employee at fast food chain Checkers dropping, then wiping, a burger bun on a kitchen floor is disgusting diners around the world this morning.

The quick clip takes place at an unknown Checkers location, and appears to show the employee deliberately dropping the bun to the floor. She then, while laughing and being goaded on by the person shooting the footage, quickly rubs the bread around on the floor before picking it up and putting some fixings on it.

We have no idea if this bun was actually served to a customer. It could have been a prank for the camera (like the Taco Bell taco-licker incident of 2013), or a joke (a sickening one) played on a fellow employee.

Of course it doesn’t help that Checkers has thus far refused to release a statement or respond to the numerous comments from people on social media about the incident. We are reaching out to the company and will update if we hear back.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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