Wednesday 28 October 2015

Lyft Can Send You Free Zombies On Demand For Halloween

lyft_zombieCompanies that send vehicles on demand also enjoy giving people the ability to summon other things with the power of their smartphones, like when Uber let people in select cities summon puppies and kittens or free fruit deliveries when the company was suspended from giving rides in Germany. Lyft’s Halloween publicity stunt is less cuddly and more spooky: they’ll send you zombies on demand if you order one.

This is the second promotional event for Lyft in the last half of October: you might remember that the company also offered a few people in New York City rides through time in hired DeLoreans on October 21, the day that the main characters in Back to the Future: Part II supposedly traveled to. October 30 is the day before Halloween, so customers can use the app to summon on-demand zombies.

No, not actual zombies. Probably. We believe that the zombies are actors made up and pretending to be zombies, though you can never really be sure.

The promotion works similarly to the puppies and kittens: if you’re in New York or San Francisco and manage to hail a zombie on the appointed day, one will appear at your home or office. That’s it.

Your Guide to the 2015 Lyft Zombie Apocalypse [Lyft Blog]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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