Tuesday 21 June 2016

Check Out The Arm On This USPS Delivery Guy

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen a delivery person caught in the act of lobbing, tossing, or otherwise chucking a package instead of walking it to its intended destination and depositing it on, say, a porch. Today’s featured sport in the Delivery Driver Games: Ultimate Frisbee.

Reddit user Brent213 happens to have a surveillance camera that shows his driveway, which came in handy when he wanted to find out why his package from Amazon was delivered to the sidewalk outside his house instead of his doorstep.

Turns out, the driver was working on getting a nice top spin, perhaps to hone his Ultimate Frisbee skills, the video’s author suggests in the title of his video.

“Notice the spin on the box to keep it flying level. Well done,” he writes.

The good news is that nothing was damaged by the throw, which isn’t always the case.

“The box contained socks, so no harm was done,” he noted on the video.

We’ve reached out to the United States Postal Service for comment on the incident, and will update this post when we hear back.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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