Tuesday 7 June 2016

Uber Rolling Out Guaranteed Arrival Times For UberPool

In its latest effort to get more people to use its carpooling service UberPool the company is introducing guaranteed arrival times, so passengers won’t have to worry about being late, even if they’re picked up first and dropped off last.

For those not familiar with UberPool — or uberPOOL, as the company insists on calling it — it’s a service that lets passengers grab rides with strangers along the same route for a cheaper price than UberX. That lower cost comes with the uncertainty of knowing when exactly you’ll arrive at your destination, however, depending on how many other people in the car need to get dropped off and where.

To eliminate some of that worry about being on time, Uber is now offering guaranteed arrival times for UberPool in Los Angeles, called “Arrive By.”

Once you’ve set your pickup and destination, you’ll see an arrival time that is “fairly conservative,” UberPool senior product manager Brian Tolkin told TechInsider. That means even if your car is full and you make multiple stops, you’ll probably get there with plenty of time.

There are always unexpected delays, however, and if that happens, Uber will give customers $2 off their next Pool ride. The “Arrive By” guarantee is expected to roll out globally eventually.

Recently, Uber started testing a feature in its app that pushes UberPool as the default option over UberX, again in the hopes that more customers will choose to carpool instead of ride solo.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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