Tuesday 25 October 2016

Pizza Shop Customer Claims Daughter Received Medication From Toy Machine

It’s always a surprise when you you pop quarters into toy vending machines, but there are some prizes that no parent wants their kid to get. Say, blood pressure medication.

A New Hampshire woman says a toy vending machine at a pizza restaurant dispensed a container of pills to her daughter, WSB Radio reports.

“I put all three quarters in, the first two were toys, and then the third one… when it first came out I thought it was candy and I didn’t let her have it,” she told the station.

She says she opened it up and realized it was medication: one capsule, and three pills — one of which was broken in half.

The pizza restaurant says an outside company is responsible for filling the machine, and the owners are unsure how pills ended up in it.

Though her daughter knows not to eat things she shouldn’t, the woman says she’s worried about other children, especially if the same supplier fills other machines.

“She’s seven, she’s old enough to know, but had she been younger, maybe she wouldn’t have known,” she said.

Mother says toy machine at pizza shop dispensed medication [WSB Radio]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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