Monday 28 November 2016

American Airlines Apologizes To Family Kicked Off Flight Over Service Dog

American Airlines apologized and opened an investigation recently after an Illinois family claimed they were kicked off a flight because an attendant thought their service dog was too big. 

WSOC-TV reports that the family had just boarded a flight in Charlotte, NC, on an American regional carrier when a crew member asked them to move.

The woman says moving wasn’t possible, as the 110-pound dog was too big to fit under the seat.

“She told me that it was too late; that she had already contacted management and that management would come speak to me,” the woman recalls.

The family was then asked to leave the plane.

The issue came as a surprise to the family as they had contacted American Airline prior to their trip to ensure the dog, who assists the family’s son who suffers from severe epilepsy, would be accommodated.

The woman says she provided the airline with a physician’s note and official documentation for the dog. As a result, the airline assigned her to bulkhead seating, which offered additional space.

While the family’s three previous flights went well and boarding for the final flight went smoothly, an attendant then allegedly harassed them.

“For someone to just to be able to kick you off and deny you access is completely ridiculous,” the woman said.

A rep for American Airlines tells WSOC-TV that it is aware of the issue and had apologized to the family.

“Our customer relations team is reaching out to them directly. We are looking into the issue with PSA Airlines, the regional carrier who operated that flight.” the carrier said.

The family’s issue comes just a month after a Mississippi woman filed a lawsuit against American claiming she was “emotionally crushed and humiliated” when airline employees mocked her and refused to allow her to fly from Kansas to Mississippi with her service dog.

Airlines investigating after service dog, family kicked off Charlotte flight [WSOC-TV]

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

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