Tuesday 8 August 2017

No, Travis Kalanick Is Not Going To Be Uber’s CEO Again

Months after <a href="http://ift.tt/2vfFpP2; target="_blank" Uber's board made CEO Travis Kalanick's leave of absence permanent, rumors have begun swirling that that he would soon be returning to his former position — buzz he may have started himself. But there will be no comeback for Kalanick.

“Steve Jobs-ing it”?

Uber is trying to find a candidate to fill the CEO role, and has narrowed the search down to four people, reports Recode. But it hasn’t been easy, as Kalanick has apparently been saying he will be “Steve Jobs-ing it” and will be coming back to Uber.

Jobs — one of Apple’s co-founders — left the company in 1985, before returning in 1997 as the company tried to fight the domination of Microsoft.

Not gonna happen

Uber board member Garrett Camp is now working to dispel those return rumors, telling employees in an email that he’s been fielding questions lately about Kalanick’s comeback and confirming that it’s definitely not gonna happen.

“Our CEO search is the board’s top priority,” Camp said in the email. “It’s time for a new chapter and the right leader for our next phase of growth. Despite rumors I’m sure you’ve seen in the news, Travis is not returning as CEO.”

Kalanick first took a leave of absence in mid-June in the wake of a damning internal investigation that criticized the company’s “always be hustlin culture.”

He then officially stepped down as CEO a week later, an exit that was the result of what amounted to a revolt by investors.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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