Thursday 24 March 2016

After Surviving A Tornado, House Gets Accidentally Destroyed By Wrecking Crew

Mother Nature may pose a danger to mankind at times, but we humans can do a pretty good job of messing things up all on our own. For example, a homeowner in Texas was relieved when her house was spared from a tornado… and then incredibly upset to find that a wrecking crew had demolished the house accidentally.

What nature spared, man took away, when the woman arrived home this week to find that a demolition company had made a mistake and accidentally torn down her house, reports

Though tornadoes had touched down in the area in December, wreaking havoc on other houses in the neighborhood, her home had escaped serious damage. She and her family had been preparing to make repairs to the house after an engineer deemed it structurally sound. The house did not escape human error, however.

“Boom. Just like the tornado came through again,” the homeowner told KMOV of finding her home demolished.

She says she met with the demolition supervisor right after the incident, who told her what happened: the wrecking crew had called and given the number of the address they were at, saying it was a corner lot, and asking if they should be tearing down that house. The supervisor apparently affirmed, without confirming the street name. Instead of tearing down a house one block over, her house was destroyed.

The supervisor passed her along to the company president, who she said only offered excuses when she called.

“I didn’t believe he was telling me this,” she told the news station. “I was hoping for an apology — ‘I’m sorry my company did this, we’ll make it better,’ and instead he’s telling me how the insurance is going to handle it, and telling me that it’s going to be a nasty fight.”

She says she’s still hoping the company will help her, or she’ll consider legal action.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of accidental home demolition, sadly: there was the man who went out of town for a few months, only to return to find the town had destroyed his house in his absence; and the man who was accused of changing an address so a wrecking crew would demolish his neighbor’s house instead of his own.

Wrong house demolished in mix-up in TX []

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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