Tuesday 1 March 2016

International Fast Food Roundup: Fish-Shaped Fish Sticks And A Creme Egg McFlurry

For American fast-food chains, their international subsidiaries serve as a research lab where they can inflict strange food combinations on the unsuspecting public. Combine that impulse with food tastes that are simply different from Americans’, and you end up with glorious and fascinating combinations that you kind of want to see imported, and kind of don’t.


For example, there’s this Pizza Hut China creation for Chinese New Year, which is a pizza with breaded fish sticks on top of it. There’s also a variation with crab claws. The fish imagery has something to do with good luck in the new year, and the other toppings make it look like the fish sticks are chomping on the pepperoni.


The other global pizza place, Domino’s, is selling a dessert “pie” on pizza dough in Ukraine that looks pretty good. It even comes with a machine-made lattice topping to fancy things up, unlike the ribbons of frosting that we usually end up with as decoration on dessert pizzas over here. The pies come in four flavors: cherry, cottage cheese (which looks sort of like a pie-crusted cheesecake), poppy-seed filling, and apple.

In other fast-food dessert news, McDonald’s is serving macarons in South Korea, and they’re even on the delivery menu. If this spreads to other countries, then we know that the macaron fad is dead, buried, and composted.

(McDonald's via Mashable)

If you prefer your fast-food desserts to be a little bit more seasonal, how about a trip to McDonald’s Australia, where you can get a McFlurry with Cadbury Creme Eggs mixed in instead of the usual cookies or boring old non-Creme Egg candies.
(KFC Korea)

Even though Taco Bell actually exists in South Korea, their sibling restaurant brand KFC is experimenting with tacos containing strips of fried chicken. These were a hit in Australia last year, so they might make their way here someday.


Finally, closer to home, Taco Bell in Canada added something unexpected to their Crunchwrap Sliders that perhaps we should have expected: Cheetos. They added Cheetos inside the slider. What, no Cheeto-flavored taco shell in the works yet?

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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