Wednesday 5 October 2016

Google Street View Car Involved In “Minor” Accident With Another Vehicle

Google Street View cars see a lot of stuff when they’re out cruising the highways and byways of the world, including traffic collisions. Whether or not one mapping car in Michigan captured its own accident on camera, we can only guess, but at least one bystander was on hand to snap a photo of the event.

Grand Rapids police confirmed that a Google Street View car was involved in a minor two-car collision on Monday afternoon at an intersection, reports.

No humans were injured, but the Google car got pretty banged up on the front end and had to be towed. The other vehicle also had some damage.

An observant bystander snapped a photo of the crash and posted it on Reddit, adding, “I was so stoked to see the Google car that I whipped my phone out,” wrote Nurse-Patches on the site. “I JUST missed catching the crash on Snapchat.”

Drugs and alcohol aren’t suspected to be a factor in the crash, but it’s unclear which car was in the wrong. As for whether police have had any previous run-ins with Google Street View car run-ins, a police sergeant wasn’t quite sure.

“Not to my knowledge,” he told “That’s a good question.”

Google street view car involved in Grand Rapids crash []

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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