Tuesday 8 November 2016

Samsung To World: We’re Super Duper Sorry About That Whole Exploding Phone Thing

Samsung has a problem: a lot of their stuff has been in the headlines lately for exploding. Between the months-long Galaxy Note 7 debacle, and the much more recent washing machine recall, the premium tech company is quickly getting a bad reputation for going boom. So Samsung’s trying to get out in front of it, promising the U.S. and the world that it’s so, so sorry and won’t do it again.

Samsung is making that apology this week both online and in print, and it’s taking a global approach, apologizing to customers in basically every market.

In a move that now appears to have become a standard part of the Great Apology Tour — Chipotle and Volkswagen did the same — Samsung put out a full-page apology ad in several major newspapers yesterday with the same message. The ad in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and New York Times was customized for the U.S. market, where millions of the defective phones were sold.

“At Samsung, we innovate to deliver breakthrough technologies that enrich people’s lives. An important tenet of our mission is to offer best-in-class safety and quality. Recently, we fell short on this promise,” the open letter reads.

“For this, we are truly sorry,” the American edition continues.

“We take seriously our responsibility to address concerns about safety and quality. In collaboration with government agencies and industry partners around the world, we are taking proactive steps to do better. For those directly affected, we appreciate your patience throughout the exchange process. We know you expect more from Samsung, and that your loyalty is earned, not given.”

But no, Samsung continues, it still doesn’t actually know why the Note 7 phones are so explosive. “A careful Note 7 investigation is underway and the findings will be shared when the analysis is complete,” the ad reads.

“The process will be thorough and include some of the best independent technical experts in the world to help inform and validate our work. We will re-examine every aspect of the device, including all hardware, software, manufacturing, and the overall battery structure. We will move as quickly as possible, but will take the time needed to get the right answers.”

The ad, captured by Twitter user Rurik Bradbury, also addresses the washing machine issue, saying that Samsung is “moving quickly to offer our customers unprecedented remedy options that minimize disruption to their lives.”

Again, the company is “taking proactive steps to identify and address what went wrong and how we need to improve our operations,” though — again — it may take some time.

“On behalf of our 17,000 employees across the country, we are grateful for your ongoing support and again, we are truly sorry,” the ad concludes.

Roughly 85% of all Galaxy Note 7 phones in the U.S. had been successfully returned and/or exchanged as of last Friday, according to Samsung.

by Kate Cox via Consumerist

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