Thursday 3 November 2016

Taco Bell Employee Accused Of Using Martial Arts Against Unruly Customer

While there’s no doubt that fast food workers often have to deal with upset, unruly, or otherwise difficult customers, law enforcement tends to frown on situations where employees take matters into their own hands — or, as illustrated recently at a Taco Bell, into their own feet(?).

Police in Salt Lake City arrested a Taco Bell worker after he allegedly used his Muay Thai skills on a customer he had been arguing with, Deseret News reports.

According to officials, the customer walked into the Taco Bell around 4 p.m. on Tuesday and complained that his order wasn’t correct, causing a stir.

“While getting his money back, some very strong words were exchanged,” a Salt Lake County Jail report notes.

After the customer left, a worker clocked out and followed him outside, where the argument over the man’s order turned physical, police said. Another worker tried to calm the situation down but was allegedly shoved by the customer. That’s what prompted the first worker to allegedly punch and kick the man several times in the face and body.

The worker “continued to kick and punch the victim while on the ground,” the report states. The customer had a PICC line in his arm that ruptured and caused him to start bleeding, police said. He was taken to the hospital for surgery to due to the rupture, and was also treated for severe bruising to his face, police said.

The Taco Bell employee went home but was later arrested on a charge of aggravated assault, at which point he told police that he’s a second-degree green belt in Muay Thai-style fighting. Another good reminder not to bring your hobbies to work, folks.

Taco Bell employee assaults customer with martial arts kicks, police say [Deseret News]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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